After nine months since purchasing our new CDL House of Prayer in Oceano, California we are very please to report that we are settled-in and with each day feel more grounded in our monastic charism. We are also connecting nicely with our neighbors in the wonderful Tierra Nueva co-housing community. Oceano borders Pismo Beach to the south and Arroyo Grande to the west, and is located just off Hwy 1 200 miles north of Los Angeles and 200 miles south of San Francisco.
Tierra Nueva offers wonderful community grounds, a large community gathering space for groups, a yoga studio/meditation space, woodworking shop, community garden, and two guest rooms for visitors. The spirit of community feels like a natural fit for our monastic charism. ​The property allows us to hold our life of prayer while continuing in our prison ministry. We feel that God is calling us to a deeper sense of monastic poverty and simplicity as we continue in our life as monks.
We have already had a number of people visit us with more schedule in the coming months.